2022-2023 College Catalog

Pass-No Pass Policy

Pass/No-Pass Grading (effective April 3, 2020)

A student will be assigned a grade of Pass/No-Pass if:

The course is listed in the catalog as graded on a Pass/No-Pass basis (e.g. Physical Education Skill courses); OR
The student elects the Pass/No-Pass grade option outlined below. For Nursing, Education, and Music Education students, Pass/No-Pass can only be chosen for elective courses that are not required for the major.


  • A student may take up to one academic course per term on a P/N basis; a student may take a maximum of 15 credits over the course of their undergraduate career.
  • Under certain extenuating circumstances (e.g., pandemic or other emergency declared by the College), a student may take more than one academic course per term on a P/N basis and may go over the 15-credit total P/N limit.
  • The option to convert a course from a letter grade to P/N is a matter of the student’s choice and responsibility; no student is required to use it.
  • A student who chooses this option must complete a P/N form available on the Office of the Registrar Forms web site and submit it on or before the last day to withdraw from a course. Review the Dates & Deadlines calendar for the last day to withdraw date for each term.
  • A student’s interest in using the P/N option shall not be a criterion for determining eligibility to register for a course. Instructors will not be informed if a student chooses the P/N option.
  • While in the course, the student will receive letter grades for all coursework completed, including a final examination.
  • Once a P/N option has been selected, it cannot be converted back to a letter grade.
  • To qualify for course credit (with a recorded course grade of P), a student must earn a final grade of D- or better. If a student earns a final grade of F for the course the transcript will show the designation N.
  • P/N grades do not enter into the computation of the overall grade point average but are included in a student’s total attempted credits.