2022-2023 College Catalog

Class Absences Policy

At Hartwick, students are responsible for regular class attendance and are accountable for all work missed because of class absences. Instructors normally list attendance policies on course syllabi that are distributed at the beginning of the term. Students should be aware that in some classes there are no excused absences for any reason. Instructors may request students to provide reasons for absences and are under no obligation to make special arrangements for students who are absent. Students are expected to communicate directly with instructors regarding absences except in the following instances:


Faculty will be notified by the Perrella Wellness Center if a student is admitted to a hospital facility. When a student returns home without prior consultation with the Director of the Perrella Wellness Center, documentation from the attending physician must be received prior to notification of faculty. Absences for illness that does not require admittance to a medical facility are to be reported by the student directly to the instructor who may or may not count them as excused.

Medical Leave:

Faculty will be notified by the Perrella Wellness Center if a student is granted a medical leave.


Faculty will be notified by the Office of Student Experience if a student is away due to the death of a family member (parent, sibling, grandparent). The student or a member of the family should report this information to the vice president of student experience prior to departure from campus.

General Leave:

Advisors will be notified by the Office of the Registrar if a student is granted a general leave.

Other than medical or general leaves, whether or not absences are excused is at the discretion of the faculty member. As noted above, there are some classes where attendance is so critical that it may not be possible to remain in the course even though the absences are legitimate and excused.

Observance of Religious Holidays (as provided in the New York State Education Law Section 224-A):

Students who are compelled for religious reasons to be absent on a particular day for registration, class or an examination will be excused and given an equivalent opportunity to make up the requirements, provided that the student notifies the Instructor (or the Office of Academic Affairs) as soon as the student becomes aware of the conflict and no later than one week prior to the absence.