2022-2023 College Catalog

Full- and Part-Time Student Status

A matriculated student is one accepted by the College to work full- or part-time toward a degree. A full-time matriculated student is expected to comply with the Credit Load policy listed elsewhere in the catalog. All matriculated students must abide by the regulations established by the faculty and enforced by the Chief Academic Officer and the Committee on Academic Standards. All matriculated degree seeking students must provide evidence of high school (or equivalent) completion in order to matriculate into a degree program (Hartwick requires an official high school transcript for this purpose). In addition to a high school transcript, all degree seeking transfer students must provide evidence of matriculation at all previously attended post-secondary institutions by submitting official transcripts from those institutions. Since Hartwick is designed primarily as a residential institution for full-time students, exceptions to the full-time status will be granted only in cases falling within the following categories:

  • Students admitted as part-time matriculated students because of an unusual need. An example would be a student who, for financial reasons, cannot afford full-time status or has a documented medical condition that prevents carrying a full time course load. Students in these or similar circumstances may be admitted as part-time students upon approval of the Director of Admissions and Registrar.
  • Full-time students who wish to change to part-time matriculated status for one or more terms after enrollment at the College for the following reasons:
    • Continuation of study at the College past the normal four-year period.
    • Enrollment in a final term requiring only part-time load to complete all degree requirements.
    • Special, validated health problems permitting part-time, not full-time, study. Unforeseeable financial emergency.

Full-time students wishing to transition to part-time status for the reasons listed above must request approval for part-time status from the Office of the Registrar. Full-time students who wish to transition to part-time status for reasons not listed above must petition the Committee on Academic Standards for approval. Part-time students wishing to transition to full-time status must request approval for full-time status from the Office of the Registrar.