2022-2023 College Catalog

Missed Class

Rationale for College-wide Missed Class Policy

Hartwick College believes that extra-curricular and co-curricular activities are an integral part of the liberal arts and is dedicated to supporting these experiences for all students. These extra and co-curricular events include: athletics, conference attendance and presentations, registered club events, and career-related interviews. The purpose of a Missed Class Policy is to create a consistent policy which reduces conflict between students needing to participate in extracurricular and co-curricular activities and professors and balances academic integrity and fairness for all students.

Missed Class Policy

In support of extracurricular and co-curricular participation Hartwick College recognizes the fact that students may occasionally encounter conflicts with attending classes. If they follow the policies and procedures described below, then they will be excused from classes when they are officially representing the College in athletic competition in season, participating in club-sponsored conferences and presentations, or presenting at academic conferences or other significant extracurricular or co-curricular events. Habitual absences from class due to extracurricular or co-curricular events may jeopardize a student’s ability to succeed in a class. Therefore, students should avoid scheduling classes in times which would habitually conflict with extracurricular or co-curricular activities.

Students will provide each instructor with an agreement letter prior to the end of the first week of the semester (or by the second day of January term) notifying them that they may occasionally have to miss class for an event or competition and will work with the faculty member to complete any missed assignments. In the event that an activity is not known prior to the drop/add period the student will notify the instructor as soon as they are aware of the conflict.

In all cases and for all activities students will present the faculty member with a hard copy of a letter detailing the activity, dates of the activity and acknowledgement of the class assignments that will be missed and date for submission of any course work. Students are expected to notify their instructors in whose courses they will be missing academic work—preferably two weeks before each absence from class—due to extra-curricular or co-curricular participation. When applicable, the letter also will be signed by appropriate college personnel coordinating the event and will be accompanied by a schedule of conflicting times and will include anticipated departure times.

For athletic competitions, students will be excused from class an hour before the scheduled departure time when traveling to away games and an hour before the start of a home competition. In cases in which a student will miss more class sessions than what is outlined in the class syllabus (e.g. 3 absences are allowed), the student will not be disadvantaged by having the final grade reduced due to representing the College as long as all missed work is completed.

All work that was due on the day of the missed class will be given to the instructor at a time decided on by the instructor. While some lab periods cannot be administered at a later time, students should be informed of the class expectations upon the first day of class for all classes with a lab component. If expectations are clearly defined on the first day of class, students will be required to plan accordingly in the knowledge that there may or may not be some flexibility with the lab component.

After discussing the absence and the process for completing missed work or submitting assignments with the faculty member, the student will sign the agreement letter which will remain with the instructor.

In the case that a student and instructor cannot find agreement on the missed class, the student or faculty member can request a discussion with the coach, Athletics Director, Faculty Athletics Representative, or Student Life Representative in order to seek a resolution. In cases where a resolution cannot be found, the student or faculty member can request a review and discussion by a Missed Class Mediation Board comprising one member of the faculty, one staff member, and one student. The Missed Class Mediation Board will seek to find a compromise which is beneficial to both student and faculty but does not undermine academic integrity or extra-curricular and co-curricular participation.