2022-2023 College Catalog

Academic Standards of Progress

Academic Standards of Progress Policy

Academic Probation

Any student who has a cumulative grade point average (GPA) below C (2.000) at the end of Fall or Spring term will be placed on academic probation by the Office of Academic Affairs. Students on academic probation are required to complete a Success Strategies course and to participate in a success coaching program through the Center for Student Success.  First year students placed on probation after the Fall term will also complete additional probation programming during J-term.

Academic Leave and Dismissal

Students will be placed on Academic Leave if they do not meet the minimum cumulative GPA and credit completion standards:



Grade Point Average / Credits Completed

After first term

1.000 cumulative GPA / Completion of at least 6 academic credits

After second term

1.500 cumulative GPA / Completion of at least 15 academic credits

After third term

1.800 cumulative GPA / Completion of at least 27 academic credits

After fourth term

2.000 cumulative GPA / Completion of at least 39 academic credits

After fifth term

2.000 cumulative GPA / Completion of at least 51 academic credits

After sixth term

2.000 cumulative GPA / Completion of at least 66 academic credits

After seventh term

2.000 cumulative GPA / Completion of at least 81 academic credits

After eighth term

2.000 cumulative GPA / Completion of at least 96 academic credits

After ninth term

2.000 cumulative GPA / Completion of at least 111 academic credits

After tenth term

2.000 cumulative GPA / Completion of at least 120 academic credits


Students who earn a term GPA of 0.000 in any term will be academically dismissed.

**“Term” refers to Fall or Spring terms.  GPAs will not be automatically reviewed at the end of J-terms or Summer terms.  If a student completes credits during those terms with grades that will positively impact their academic standing, it is the student’s responsibility to request a review from the Office of the Registrar (registrar@hartwick.edu or 607-431-4460).

Academic Leave and Dismissal Appeal

Any student who has been placed on academic leave or dismissed from the College has the right to petition the Committee on Academic Standards to reconsider its decision. The petition should be directed to the Chair of the Committee on Academic Standards, setting forth the extenuating circumstances beyond the student's control that caused the poor academic performance.  Decisions on such appeals by the Committee on Academic Standards shall be considered final.

If a student believes that the aforementioned procedure has not been followed or if the student’s Hartwick College academic record has materially changed since the Committee made its final decision, then the student may address his/her concerns to the Office of Academic Affairs, who may refer the case back to the Committee for reconsideration. Any student who successfully appeals and is retained from an academic leave or dismissal will automatically be placed on academic probation.

Returning to the College

Students who have been placed on Academic Leave or academically dismissed may apply to return to the College after one full Fall or Spring term on leave or dismissal.  To be considered for return, students must demonstrate that they are prepared to do serious academic work at the College by completing a minimum of 6 academic credits with a cumulative GPA of 2.500 with no grade below a C at an accredited institution. They must receive approval from the Office of the Registrar (registrar@hartwick.edu or 607-431-4460) to take courses at an accredited institution for the purposes of returning to Hartwick College. 

Requests to return to the College from Academic Leave or dismissal should be directed to the Office of the Registrar (registrar@hartwick.edu or 607-431-4460).  Students who do not return to the college after an Academic Leave has expired must apply for an Official Withdrawal through the Office of the Registrar. Students who do not return and do not apply for an Official Withdrawal will be Unofficially Withdrawn when the Academic Leave expires.