2022-2023 College Catalog

Change of Legal Name, Home Address or Phone Number

Name, home address and phone numbers for current students are maintained by the Office of the Registrar.

Legal Name Change

A legal name change, date of birth, or gender change must be accompanied by a copy of a legal document authorizing the change when submitting a request in writing.

Once a legal change of name occurs due to marriage, divorce, or other reasons, an information change form should be promptly filed with the Office of the Registrar. Students wishing to change their legal name must submit the request, in writing, to the Office of the Registrar.

Note that the legal name of record will still be used on official transcripts, federal and state financial aid reports, enrollment verifications, payroll, and other legally binding documents.

Further descriptions of the type of required documentation, by reason, are as follows:


A student who wishes to change a name because of divorce must present a court order as evidence that the divorce decree has been granted. A woman may resume her maiden name after divorce only if such change has been authorized by the court.

Immigrant Students

These students may not change to names which do not appear on their passports. Thus, a passport is sufficient documentation for a name change.

All Others

All other students are permitted to change their names without court order by completing a change of information form and presenting proper verification of the new name. This verification must be one of the following pieces of identification showing that a new name has been legally adopted by the student.

  • Driver’s License
  • DMV Identification Card
  • Marriage Certificate
  • Passport
  • Legal Court Document
  • Birth Certificate
  • Alien Registration Card

This proof is required for all changes, even if the student is adding or dropping one of the following:

  • I, II, III, IV, Jr., Sr. or some other suffix to the name
  • Middle name or initial
  • Hyphen (Clearwater to Clear-Water)

A student or former student who has received a bachelor’s degree from the College may not have the name changed on that portion of the record preceding the award of any such degree without presenting a court order and paying a processing fee for the printing and mailing of the replacement diploma bearing the new name. New students should contact the Office of Admissions to process any relevant name changes prior to matriculation.

Home Address and Phone Number Changes

Current students may change their address or phone number using Self-Service. Changes may also be submitted to the Office of the Registrar using an address change form.

Students whose addresses or phone numbers have changed and have not notified the Office of the Registrar are not exempt from the consequences of failing to receive official College notices and communications. Delays in notifying the Office of the Registrar may cause delays in the handling of student records and in notifying students in cases of emergency. Note that official College correspondence is mailed to the home address of record for current students.

Students that have not yet matriculated must contact the Office of Admissions to change the permanent home address or phone number. Students that have graduated must contact the Office of Institutional Advancement to change the permanent home address or phone number.

Preferred Name Change

Hartwick College recognizes that some students prefer to identify themselves by a name other than their Legal Name. For this reason, students may opt to use a “Preferred Name” in place of their Legal Name in the course of College business and education.

Changing the preferred name does not require the same legal documentation – in fact, a student need only submit the request in Self-Service or directly to the Office of the Registrarand, as long as the preferred name is not for purposes of misrepresentation, it will be changed. In addition, students may also indicate a preferred name prefix (Mr., Ms., Miss, etc.). Once a preferred name is changed, it will be reflected on all class and grade rosters.

Unfortunately, not all of the College’s systems can display a Preferred Name, and in many instances a Legal Name is required, as there are several different information systems across campus.

Gender Identity and Pronouns

Recognizing that gender identity and gender pronouns are more than a common courtesy — they are forms of self-determination, self-expression, and self-affirmation, Hartwick College offers students the option to indicate their gender identity and gender pronoun. The College extends this accommodation in order to help foster a more welcoming, supportive, and respectful campus climate for all of its students.

Indication of gender identity does not constitute a legal sex change. Students who are legally changing their sex should follow the instructions listed under the Change of Legal Name, Home Address and Phone Number policy. Students’ gender identity and gender pronouns will be maintained by the Office of the Registrar. Students’ gender pronouns will appear in several internal locations, including class lists and grade rosters.

Gender identity and pronouns are viewable and can be modified in Self-Service or by visiting the Office of the Registrar and submitting a request in writing.

Gender identity and gender pronoun designations are as follows:

Gender Identity

  • Agender
  • Declined to State
  • Female
  • Male
  • Other

Gender Pronouns

  • She/Her/Hers
  • He/Him/His
  • Ze/Hir/Hirs
  • They/Them/Theirs
  • Name

Note: Legal sex is required for federal financial aid and federal reporting. A student’s legal sex is usually provided during the admission application process and on the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid).

Legal Sex – for Federal Financial Aid and Federal Reporting

  • F – female
  • M – male

Places Where Gender Pronouns are Used

  • Class roster in Self-Service
  • Grade roster in Self-Service
  • Self-Service Profile

Places Where Legal Sex is Used

  • Financial Aid Eligibility
  • Student Employment
  • SEVIS (Immigration status reporting)
  • Federal and State Agency Reporting