2022-2023 College Catalog

Commencement Participation

Students may participate in the May commencement ceremony if they are registered in the Spring Term of their senior year for an approved program of studies, which, if completed with suitable grades, will fulfill all degree requirements. Students completing all degree requirements in December or February of a given academic year may participate in the May ceremony of that academic year, but must notify the Registrar in writing of their intent to do so. Students that have fifteen (15) credit hours or fewer remaining toward completion of their degree(s) may request permission from the Registrar to participate in the May commencement. A student may only participate in one commencement ceremony.

Students that complete all degree requirements in September (e.g. finish over the summer) are eligible to participate in the previous May ceremony, but must submit an application for graduation to the Office of the Registrar indicating their intent.

Application for Graduation

Students with current anticipated completion dates between December and May of the academic year, are registered in the Fall Term of their senior year for an approved program of study, AND who after successfully completing their Fall semester courses have 30 credit hours or fewer remaining towards completion of their degree(s) will be asked by the Office of the Registrar to complete an application for graduation in October of their senior year.