2024-2025 College Catalog

Sport Management, Bachelor of Science

Program Coordinator: Aaron Stephens (Business Administration)


Sport Management


Sports Management


Pinki Srivastava; Aaron Stephens; Weian Wang; Weiwei Zhang; James Wyzykowski

Note on Double majors and minors within the Business Administration and Accounting Department:
Students work with their advisors to identify a minor in a discipline outside the business department. A minor in accounting or finance can fulfill this requirement; however, only 6 credits can be shared between the business major and the associated minor. A double major (outside the department) also satisfies this requirement. It is not possible to double major in Business Administration and Digital Marketing or Sport Management (only one BA major can be selected). It is possible to double major in Accounting. It is also possible to minor in Sport Management or Digital Marketing; again only 6 credits can double count.