2024-2025 College Catalog

Programs of Study

Courses of instruction at Hartwick are offered primarily by academic departments, organized into three main divisions: (1) Arts and Humanities, (2) Physical and Life Sciences, and (3) Social and Behavioral Sciences. These divisional groups indicate characteristic approaches to learning:

The Arts and Humanities generally use the approach of studying human documents and artistic achievements. Courses of study offered by departments in the Division of Arts and Humanities include Art, Art History, Classics, English, French, Music, Philosophy, Religious Studies, Spanish, and Theatre Arts.

The Physical and Life Sciences provide experience in the scientific method as exemplified by laboratory and field research. Courses of study offered by departments in the Division of Physical and Life Sciences include Biochemistry, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science and Geology, Mathematics, Medical Technology, Nursing, and Physics.

The Social and Behavioral Sciences provide the experiences of gathering and analyzing social data. Courses of study offered by departments in the Division of Social and Behavioral Sciences include Accounting, Anthropology, Business Administration, Economics, Education, Finance, History, Political Science, Psychology, and Sociology.

Courses of study offered by departments appear alphabetically by discipline in this catalog supplement, along with major curricular requirements, a description of the discipline and current faculty.

Course Numbering:

  • 100-level courses are generally introductory to a field or discipline. These courses require a depth of study, student responsibility, and independence commensurate with initial work at the college level.
  • 200-level courses normally require a greater depth of study and student responsibility in the acquisition of knowledge and resources and in the mastery of techniques and methods than is demanded in 100-level courses.
  • 300- and 400-level courses are usually designed for the major or minor and presuppose command of methods as well as factual and theoretical knowledge appropriate to the discipline.

Courses in the 100-199 and 200-299 series generally should be completed in the first and sophomore years.

Departmental Distinction

Grades for all courses required for the major (including those from other departments, if applicable) are used to calculate the average in a major for Departmental Distinction. See Policies and Procedures for complete Departmental Distinction requirements.

The College reserves the right to change this section of the catalog without notice and cancel any course that has an enrollment of fewer than eight students at the end of the pre-registration period.