2024-2025 College Catalog

International Baccalaureate (IB)

Hartwick recognizes the International Baccalaureate Diploma for purposes of admission. Course credit will be granted for most higher-level (HL) and standard-level (SL) subjects with grades of 4 or better. Equivalencies are subject to change as periodic reviews of exams and credit policies are conducted.

Hartwick IB Exam Course Equivalents

International Baccalaureate Equivalency Table

Below is a listing of IB courses with Hartwick equivalencies.



IB Course Minimum Grade Required Hartwick Credits Awarded Hartwick Course Equivalent Breadth Requirement Division
Anthropology (HL/SL) 4 3 ANTH-10 Social & Behavioral Sciences
Biology (HL Only) 4 3 BIOL-20 Physical & Life Sciences
Business (HL/SL) 4 3 BUSA-10 Social & Behavioral Sciences
Chemistry (HL/SL) 4 3 CHEM-10 Physical & Life Sciences
Computer Sci (HL Only) 4 3 CISC-10 Physical & Life Sciences
Dance (HL Only) 4 3 THEA-10 Humanities
Design Tech (HL Only) 4 3 GEN-1 Elective
Economics (HL Only) 4 3 ECON-10 Social & Behavioral Sciences
English A1 (HL Only) 4 3 ENGL-10 Physical & Life Sciences
Environmental Sys & Soc (HL Only) 4 3 GEN-1 Elective
Exercise Physiology (HL/SL) 4 3 BIOL-10L for HL (lab), BIOL-10 for SL (non-lab) Social & Behavioral Sciences
Film (HL Only) 4 3 HUMA-10 Physical & Life Sciences
French AB (HL/SL) 4 3 FREN-202 for HL, FREN-201 for SL Humanities
Geography (HL Only) 4 3 GEN-1 Elective
German (HL/SL) 4 3 GERM-215 for HL, GERM-214 for SL Humanities
History Americas (HL Only) 4 3 HIST-10 Social & Behavioral Sciences
History (HL Only) 4 3 HIST-11 Social & Behavioral Sciences
Mathematics (HL/SL) 4 3 MATH-121 for HL, MATH-120 for SL Physical & Life Sciences
Music (HL/SL) 4 3 MUSI-10 Humanities
Philosophy (HL Only) 4 3 PHIL-10 Humanities
Physics (HL Only) 4 3 PHYS-10 (non-lab) Social & Behavioral Sciences
Psychology (HL/SL) 4 3 PSYC-10 Social & Behavioral Sciences
Spanish (HL/SL) 4 3 SPAN-202 for HL, SPAN-201 for SL Humanities
Theatre (HL/SL) 4 3 THEA-10 Humanities
Visual Arts (HL Only) 4 3 GEN-1 Elective
World Religions (HL/SL) 4 3 RELS-10 Humanities
Theory of Knowledge 4 3 GEN-1 Elective