2020-2021 College Catalog

SOCI 310 Classical Social Theory

This is a course intended to introduce students to the works of early western social theorists. Classical social theory provides the foundation for current sociological thinking and is fundamental to the understanding of ongoing discussions within the discipline. This course will primarily emphasize the works of the Founding Three: Karl Marx, Max Weber, and Emile Durkheim. We will also explore other nineteenth and twentieth century theorists including Charlotte Perkins Gilman, W.E.B. DuBoisand others, as the semester allows. In tackling the (primarily) 19th and early 20th century writings, we will analyze the theoretical concepts of these sociological thinkers in relation to current social problems and dilemmas. Our ongoing conversation of these various theorists will include continual application of their theories to "real life" examples found in our 21st century world. Prerequisite: SOCI 105



