2020-2021 College Catalog

HIST 252 Harry Potter's England

The Harry Potter novels take place in a fictional universe complete with its own history of wizarding wars, international confederations, goblin rebellions, and legendary figures. Yet this fictional history is closely mapped onto British history, particularly a nostalgic vision of Victorian England and Britain's "finest hour" standing against Nazi Germany during World War II. This course will use Harry Potter as a gateway for exploring themes in British history since 1800, from questions of race and ethnicity (Mudbloods), to the importance of education (Hogwarts) and industrialization (the Hogwarts Express) to Victorian identity. We will also explore how the Potter novels advance a particular view of historical research and scholarship, especially through their contrast between the exciting, secret investigations of Harry, Hermione, and Ron, and the dull, boring history lectures of the ghostly Professor Binns. Throughout the course, we will draw upon excerpts from the Harry Potter films and novels, as well as contemporary literature, art, parliamentary proceedings, political cartoons, and other sources of evidence to consider how accounts of the past are made and remade. Prerequisite: None
