2024-2025 College Catalog

SPAN 401 Literary Movements

An in-depth study of a particular movement, period or school in peninsular, Latin American or Latino/a literatures and cultures. Peninsular possible topics: Medieval, Golden Age, Baroque, Realism, Naturalism, Romanticism, Generation of 98, Modernism, Post-Modernism, Contemporary. Latin American possible topics: Barroco de Indias, Colonial Literature, Realism, Romanticism, Novela de la tierra, modernismo, vanguardia, negrismo/negritude, el Boom, magical realism, postmodernism. Latino/a possible topics: Chicano/a literature, Nuyorican Poetry, Migration Literature, Afro-Latino Literature. May be repeated for credit with different content. When repeated, this course bears the numbers SPAN 402 or SPAN 403.




SPAN 203 OR Spanish faculty approval.