2024-2025 College Catalog

NURS 134L Foundations in Nursing Science Lab

Foundations in Nursing Science introduces nursing as an art and science distinguished by humanistic caring. Study initially focuses on the self and ones' adjustment to college and exposure to tools one can use to achieve success as a beginning nursing professional for maximization of health and wellness as an individual, then progresses to the concept of "patient" in the health system. This conceptual leap requires an understanding of individual differences, personal and professional values, beliefs, culture, interpersonal communication, the healthcare system, baccalaureate nursing, and the role of the nurse as a change agent, wellness coach, collaborator, decision maker, and care manager in the improvement of holistic health. In the laboratory students are introduced to self-assessment tools and awareness, used to determine an individual's health status and common nursing interventions and actions, and stress management techniques used to meet the healthcare needs of patients of all ages in structured and unstructured settings. Students have the opportunity to apply therapeutic use of self and basic nursing skills learned in the laboratory, skills modules and in simulation. For majors only. Offered Fall semester only and in the summer for ASP students.
