2024-2025 College Catalog

ART 115 2-Dimensional Design

Using black and white media as well as color paint, students will gain practical and applicable skills while exploring basic design elements and principles common to all two-dimensional art (drawing, painting, photography, printmaking, filmmaking, etc) during this seven-week Foundation course. The formal elements, their qualities and interactions (line, shape, value, texture, mass, color, pictorial space, etc.) are investigated in the creative pursuit of compositional variety, visual cohesiveness, and issues of meaningful content. Images and issues from a wide range of perceptual, cultural, historical, and contemporary contexts will be examined. Participants will engage in constructive debate through regular written and verbal critiques. Recommended for non-majors or those with little previous experience as well as those who declare the studio major after their first semester at Hartwick. This is a core course offered for art majors. Those who declare later should take ART 113 as soon as possible in their academic career. Suitable for majors and non-majors.
