2024-2025 College Catalog

Independent and Directed Studies

Students wishing to engage in a study for which no course exists but in an area in which an instructor is qualified, may pursue either an independent or directed study pursuant to the following restrictions. Credit for an independent or directed study may be 1, 2, 3, or 4 credits.

Independent Studies permit junior and senior students with a GPA of 2.3 or higher to examine specialized topics with minimal supervision. To qualify for an independent study, a student must have prior academic experience (either a completed course or directed study with at least a C for each course) in the general field or fields in which the study is to be undertaken. Departmental approval shall come only after a formal departmental review and concurrence that the proposal has sound academic merit. To assist in this process, the student must provide a list of the courses that qualify the student for pursuing such a project, a detailed explanation of the goals of the project, and a detailed listing of available resources. Justified exceptions to this policy can be brought to the Committee on Academic Standards for decision.

The following course numbers will be used to indicate independent studies:

398 for Junior Independent Studies

498 for Senior Independent Studies

Directed Studies are open to all students in good academic standing except first semester first year students. In such projects the student works closely with the instructor on an individual basis. The instructor will provide evaluations and guidance at least one hour per week during the tenure of the project. Departmental approval shall follow the same formula as that for independent studies.

The following course numbers will be used to indicate directed studies:

199 for Second Semester First Year Directed Studies

299 for Sophomore Directed Studies

399 for Junior Directed Studies

499 for Senior Directed Studies

A student may take no more than two independent and four directed studies during a four-year career and no more than two independent and two directed studies during a two-year career. No more than four studies of any combination with the above guidelines may be taken with the same instructor unless the Committee on Academic Standards grants special permission.

Registration deadlines are listed with the Adding/Dropping Courses policy elsewhere in the catalog. Registration forms are available from the Office of the Registrar. Completed forms, including departmental approval, must be on file in the Office of the Registrar.