Physical Education Requirements
Students must complete two wellness experience credits during their time at Hartwick. This requirement can be satisfied by enrolling in courses falling within the wellness category or those explicitly designated as physical education skills courses. The array of inclusive wellness courses offered at Hartwick is characterized by their flexibility and adaptability, fostering the individual development of physical and mental well-being among our students. Additionally, student-athletes have the option to fulfill this requirement by participating in two complete athletic seasons, thereby earning both required credits through their engagement in seasonal sports.
For students who matriculated prior to FA20, one (1) physical education credit is awarded for participation on a varsity sport team. The second credit must be taken from the list of PHED courses in the class schedule. A scholar-athlete may not receive one credit for participation in Swim team and also Swim Lessons, Tennis team and Tennis class, etc.
These combinations CANNOT together satisfy the requirement:
One Theatre Arts class from the following may count toward the skill-course requirement:
Note: The second skill-course requirement must come from intercollegiate participation OR a PHED course.