ACCO 101 | Financial Accounting | 4 |
ANTH 105 | Intro to Anthropology | 4 |
ANTH 223 | Cultural Anthropology | 3 |
ANTH 237 | Peoples & Cultures | 3 |
ANTH 335 | Third World Studies | 4 |
ANTH 340 | Primate Behavior and Ecology | 4 |
ANTH 341 | Cultural Ecology | 3 |
ARTH 104 | Global Art 1750-Present | 3 |
ARTH 280 | Topics in Buddhist Art | 3 |
ARTH 301 | Greek & Roman Art History | 3 |
ARTH 302 | Medieval Art History | 3 |
ARTH 303 | Italian Renaissance Art Hist | 3 |
ARTH 304 | Baroque Art History | 3 |
ARTH 306 | 20th Century Art History | 3 |
ARTH 307 | Art and Architecture of Italy | 4 |
ARTH 308 | 21st Century Art | 3 |
ARTH 401 | Northern Renaissance Art Hist | 3 |
ARTH 403 | 19th Century Art | 3 |
BUSA 101 | Introduction to Business | 4 |
BUSA 230 | Organizational Behavior | 3 |
BUSA 240 | Marketing | 4 |
BUSA 280 | Finance | 4 |
BUSA 350 | Doing Business with Asia | 3 |
BUSA 441 | International Business | 3 |
ECON 101 | Principles of Microeconomics | 3 |
ECON 102 | Principles of Macroeconomics | 3 |
ECON 221 | Microeconomic Theory | 4 |
ECON 222 | Macroeconomic Theory | 4 |
ECON 314 | Development and Transition | 3 |
ECON 320 | International Economic Policy | 3 |
FREN 101 | Beginning French I | 4 |
FREN 102 | Beginning French II | 4 |
FREN 201 | Intermediate French I | 3 |
FREN 202 | Intermediate French II | 3 |
FREN | 300+ Upper-level French Course | |
HIST 104 | Race & Ethnicity in Amer Hist | 3 |
HIST 162 | Health & Disease Modern World History | 3 |
HIST 202 | Modern Latin America | 3 |
HIST 213 | Major Power Europe | 3 |
HIST 214 | Contemporary Europe | 3 |
HIST 261 | Indian Ocean World, 1300-1800 | 3 |
HIST 361 | European Imperialism | 4 |
HIST 378 | American Foreign Relations, 1898 to the Present | 4 |
MUSI 280 | Music of the World's Cultures | 3 |
PHIL 336 | Ethics | 3 |
POSC 105 | International Relations | 3 |
POSC 108 | Politics of the World | 3 |
POSC 215 | International Organizations | 3 |
POSC 218 | Central Asian Politics | 3 |
POSC 228 | Authoritarian Systems | 3 |
POSC 245 | Model United Nations | 1 |
POSC 288 | African Politics | 3 |
POSC 305 | Comparative Foreign Policy | 3 |
POSC 325 | International Environmental Politics | 3 |
POSC 335 | International Law | 3 |
RELS 106 | World Religions | 3 |
RELS 221 | Hinduism | 3 |
RELS 222 | Buddhism | 3 |
RELS 239 | Islam | 3 |
SOCI 105 | Introduction to Sociology | 3 |
SOCI 225 | Human Rights | 3 |
SPAN 101 | Beginning Spanish I | 4 |
SPAN 102 | Beginning Spanish II | 4 |
SPAN 201 | Intermediate Spanish I | 3 |
SPAN 202 | Intermediate Spanish II | 3 |