2020-2021 College Catalog

Spanish Major

Spanish Major Requirements

32 credits, distributed as follows:

Intermediate level courses (9 credits)

*Including SPAN 203 Advanced Written and Oral Communication in Spanish

300-level coursework (6 credits)

400-level coursework (6 credits)

*NOT including SPAN 489 or SPAN 490

Remaining credits may be taken at the 300- or 400-level

Immersive experience abroad/domestic

All Spanish majors are required to participate in a departmentally approved immersive experience abroad or domestic

Senior Seminar and Thesis

SPAN 489Senior Project Seminar


SPAN 490Senior Seminar


*SPAN 489 is taken the semester prior to when the student intends to take SPAN 490

Spanish Degree Pathway

First Year

Second Year

Third Year

Fourth Year