2020-2021 College Catalog

Pre-Law Program

Program Coordinator
Laurel Elder (Political Science)


The Pre-Law Program at Hartwick consists of aims pursued within the liberal arts education provided by our Promise Core curriculum and a major in the arts and sciences, rather than a specific pre-professional major or sequence of required courses. The Pre-Law program coordinator at Hartwick provides guidance to students interested in law-related careers.

A successful application to law school depends on a combination of academic achievement, significant participation in campus activities, and an above average score on the Law School Admission Test. Most law schools are looking for “A” and high “B” students.

Following the guidelines of the Association of American Law Schools, we recommend individualized courses of study that:

provide basic information about economic, political, and social institutions
cultivate an appreciation for historical documentation and analysis
develop skills in oral and written use of the English language
develop the ability to think creatively and critically through deduction, induction, and by analogy

The coordinator counsels students to educate themselves broadly, challenge themselves in a major, and maintain a high academic average. Popular majors for pre-law students are English, political science, economics, and philosophy. Opportunities to become familiar with the practice of law itself are available through internships and job-shadowing programs.

The following courses that are offered at Hartwick are directly relevant to the legal field:

Courses that complement an interest in law and help prepare one for law school are:

Hartwick pre-law students have been accepted at a broad range of excellent law schools, including:

Cornell University
Syracuse University
The University of Vermont
Wake Forest University
George Washington 
Boston University
University of Buffalo
Albany Law
University of Maine

3+3 Law Program with Albany Law School
Under this program, highly qualified students are automatically admitted to Albany Law School after their third year at Hartwick. During students’ first year at Hartwick, they apply to Albany. Students are accepted on the strength of their high school record and undergraduate potential. They receive a bachelor’s degree from Hartwick after successfully completing three years at Hartwick and their first year of study at Albany Law School.