2020-2021 College Catalog

ART 241 Intro Photo: Pinhole to Pixel

The emphasis of the course is on decision-making. Students solve "picture problems" and explore unique ways to "write with light." Assignments lead students through a "hands-on" history of photography while they develop their own image ideas. The camera obscura and handmade pinhole cameras give way to film cameras and eventually to digital cameras. Students learn the fundamentals of camera handling, film development, and black and white printing in the traditional wet darkroom. Additionally, digital point-and-shoot cameras and/or cell phone cameras will be used for certain assignments. In the digital darkroom students will print from digital files and also scan prints and make on-line portfolios through systems like Flickr. Yellow and red filters are recommended, and flash and tripods are useful. For majors and non-majors. $100 lab fee plus cost of materials. Offered yearly. Suitable for non-majors. (EL)
