2023-2024 College Catalog

HIST 313 Europe and the World Wars

World War I and World War II have long held a morbid fascination for many who have been both amazed and appalled at the scale of devastation that left millions dead and much of the continent in ruins. However, the impact of these wars extended beyond the battles to transform European views about the government, about women, about technology, and even about the nature of good and evil. This upper-level seminar will engage these issues through a critical examination of the historical debates about totalitarian dictatorships in Europe, the "failures" of the Versailles Treaty, anxieties about femininity, masculinity, and identity during the inter-war period, as well as other topics. Although there are no pre- requisites for this seminar, it is strongly recommended that students have some background in 20th century European history. Students will be required to complete a major primary source-based research paper on a topic of their choosing.
