2023-2024 College Catalog

Graduate Readmission Policy

We welcome applications for readmission. To be considered, please complete the following steps at least 15 business days prior to the date of potential reentry:

  • Contact Financial Aid and Student Accounts to discuss cost of attendance and your financial aid eligibility (this is required for graduate students that are returning with a cumulative GCP less than 3.000)
    • It is your responsibility to discuss eligibility for loans or other financial aid.
  • Contact your graduate program director and determine which courses you will need to take when you return.
  • Complete and submit the Application for Readmission (located on the Registrar’s Office forms page).
  • Request that official transcripts from colleges or universities attended while away from Hartwick College to be sent to the Office of the Registrar.
  • If you are applying for readmission, provide an essay describing activities in which you have been engaged during your time away from Hartwick that you believe will contribute positively to achieving your academic goals.

Please note that readmission is not guaranteed:

  • The review process will begin when your application and official transcripts (if applicable) have been received. Your application is reviewed by the Registrar to determine your eligibility to return. All correspondence and transcripts should be directed to the Office of the Registrar, Hartwick College, Oneonta, NY 13820. You can reach us at 607-431-4460 or registrar@hartwick.edu. Once all application materials have been received and your application reviewed, a decision on your readmission will be communicated to you within 5 business days.

Returning to complete your remaining degree requirements?

Students that do not complete all degree requirements by the time of their Anticipated Completion Date (ACD) are unofficially withdrawn from the College prior to the start of the next term. A student who has been unofficially withdrawn must apply for readmission.

Timeline for course completion

Coursework older than 6 years will not be considered. Students have 6 year from the time of matriculation into the program to complete all required coursework.