2022-2023 College Catalog

4+1 Programs Policy

Program Definition

Selected Hartwick College graduate programs offer a 4+1 Program as described in Hartwick College's course catalog. This program option is designed for undergraduate students witn a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 to begin earning nine graduate level credits while completing their undergraduate degree at Hartwick College.

Student Status

Students who are accepted into a 4+1 Program must continue to be enrolled as undergraduate students until the completion of their Bachelor's degree. Upon completion of the Bachelor's degree, participating students are then formally matriculated into their chosen graduate program. All graduate courses taken as part of an approved 4+1 program will be transferred into the selected Hartwick graduate program at that time.


  • The application form for a 4+1 Program should be completed during the College course registration period for the student's first graduate course.
  • Students applying for admission into a 4+1 program must have a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 in their undergraduate studies.
  • All applicants will be personally interviewed (face-to-face or via synchronous technology) by both their undergraduate program advisor AND the director of the program to which they are applying.
  • Depending on the specific 4+1 Program, an application may require additional materials and/or documents such as: letter(s) of recommendation, portfolio of previous work, transcript(s) from previous college(s), a written statement of purpose or standardized graduate entrance examinations (GRE, GMAT, LSAT etc).
  • Applicants to all 4+1 programs will be notified of their acceptance in writing by the graduate program director.

Program Participation

  • Once accepted into a 4+1 Program students are responsible for following all program requirements and guidelines including any specific directions given by director of their Hartwick graduate program.
  • In order to maintain active status in a 4+1 Program, students must meet academic standards that include:
    • A minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 in all courses (graduate and undergraduate) which have been attempted.
  • Should a student fail to meet the academic requirements of the 4+1 program, the graduate program director will determine whether that student will be withdrawn from the 4+1 Program or placed on academic probation for continued participation in the 4+1Program. Probationary status would allow continuation in the program subject to specific academic performance conditions.

Course Credit

  • Graduate courses taken while a student is an undergraduate and which are taken as part of an approved 4+1 program may "double count" by using those courses to fulfill undergraduate course requirements and, upon graduation, transferring those graduate courses into the designated 4+1 graduate program.
  • Graduate courses attempted while a student is an undergraduate as part of an approved 4+1 program must receive a grade of "C" or better in order to transfer into the designated graduate program. Graduate courses taken as part of the 4+1 Program and receiving a grade below "C" must be repeated.
  • Unless (1) otherwise stated in program requirements of a specific 4+1 Program or (2) exercised with permission of a student's undergraduate and 4+1 program advisors, a maximum of nine credit hours may be used ("double counted") for both undergraduate and graduate credit.
  • Upon undergraduate graduation, the nine credits will be transferred into the graduate program.
  • Students enrolled in any 4+1 program must follow their personal educational plan as outlined collaboratively by their 4+1 Program Director and undergraduate program advisor. Failure to follow the prescribed educational plan may result in dismissal from the 4+1 program.
  • Students may withdraw from their 4+1 Program at any time.

Students who withdraw or are dismissed from their 4+1 Program will not formally receive graduate credit for graduate courses taken as part of their undergraduate program requirements. While courses will be recognized internally by as having met graduate level requirements the transfer of those credits to any other institution is at the discretion of the receiving institution.