2020-2021 College Catalog

HIST 490 Senior Thesis

For the senior thesis, students draw upon their knowledge of historical subject areas and research methods, as well as their particular interests and general curiosity about the past, to craft their own piece of original research on a topic of historical significance. This capstone research project and essay entails the development of a hypothesis or argument, which is then supported or revised, based on an analysis of the relevant primary source evidence. It is expected that each student will develop the initial idea for his or her senior thesis out of a 300-level history seminar in the same area, and in regular consultation with a thesis advisor. As part of this crowning achievement of the history major, students are required to present an oral defense of their senior thesis before the history faculty and their peers. Offered in Fall and Spring. Prerequisite: Junior-level standing; history major status; a grade of C or better in HIST 322 and completion of at least 31 credits in the history major.




HIST-322 Minimum grade C